Sunday, April 5, 2015


Title : Haunted
Genre : Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Rating : M
Pairing(s) : Akaya x Yanagi
Summary :  Yanagi doesn’t know who is standing in front of him. Is it his lover? But why he has those eyes that looks like he want to tear him apart?
A/N : I don’t know if this is a proper fic or not, but I like this kind of AkaYana story.


Sweet dream.

Which one?

"You can't run away from me, like, forever!"

His cute little kouhai, partner, lover - whispering such words with maniacal laugh. He touched his lips, bit his neck, grind their hips. Yanagi tried to pull away and he succeeded; for a second. Akaya catch him again and bring their lips to a forceful kiss. It's not the sweet one; it will never be with his younger lover. His kiss always deep and wild; it feels like being eaten alive.

Akaya started to bite again - what, is this kind of fetish? - but rather than that, he should think about how to release himself from his hungry lover. It hurts. It’s scary. He loves Akaya, but this is not him. He’s-

"It’s me, Yanagi-san. It’s me!"
Yanagi opened his eyes.
He saw an innocent smile, right before it changes to terrifying face.

Blood red eyes.
White hair.
Sharp fang.

"I’ll make you gone mad like you did to me!"

Akaya put his hand around his neck. Yanagi stared at him in horror.

"I love you."

The brunette opened his eyes wide. Sweat comes off like a pouring rain. His hands trembling a bit.

He looks up to his surroundings. White walls. Messy desk. Books and papers everywhere. There's one framed photo on desk; it's him and his junior high tennis team.

He let out a content sigh. At least, he's in his room.

So it was a dream.

"Renji-san, you awake?"

Or not.

He stared at Akaya. Seems like he just came out from bath. He bought two cup of coffee. The younger man smiled at him. Yanagi tried his best to calmed his heart down.


"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Akaya said as he drank his coffee and offered Yanagi the next one. "Here's yours."



Yanagi keep stared at him.

"Are you really.. Akaya?"

Akaya smile falls. His expression darkened. Seeing that, Yanagi's heartbeat skip faster.

So it wasn't dream..?

Akaya put their cup on desk, carefully so he won't get those books and papers dirty. He looked at Yanagi thoughtfully.

It's not red, but the older man still nervous. The image of Devil Mode playing in his head.

"Renji-san, you see that dream again?" He said as caressing Yanagi hair. Yanagi flinch at the touch. He wanted to run. But then when he looked at Akaya once again, his thought of running away is all gone.

He smiles; so gently it hurts. Then he closed his eyes and laughed softly.

"It's alright. It's me, Akaya. I will always stay beside you. I will never, ever hurt you."

Akaya's soft voice soothed him. His words calmed him. The younger man put his lips to his and he relaxed even more.

"Don't apologize. You've been dreaming that kind of dream lately. Maybe you're tired, or just plainly remembering our younger times. It's alright."

He brushed his hand to his straight hair. It feels nice.

"Thank you, Akaya. I'm happy to have you in my life."

Akaya can't hide his happiness when hearing that. He hugged Yanagi tightly, whispering sweet words, and kissed him again, deeper this time. It's not long to have them indulged in passionate tension, made Yanagi wonders why he's so scaried before. Akaya always treat him like a rare treasure; he puts him in his top priority. He's kind and gentle.

He's not a devil.

Yanagi let out satisfied sigh and pulled Akaya closer.


That's right. That's good.
Come and feel me more.
"Hh.. Akaya.."
Get trapped in sweet nightmare.
And don't forget the fact.
That you're mine. Alone.

- Do you feel me? -

My beautiful, gorgeous Renji-san. There's nothing in the world who can compete with your beauty; inside, outside. Your long fingers. Thick lips. Sharp gaze. Everything about you is perfect.

That's why you should feel more; pleasure, and also pain.

I licked my lips, then without warning, I bit his neck until it draws blood. He opened his eyes wide, looking at me with disbelief. Right before he could ask, I kissed and slammed my body against him rather roughly.


I used my tongue to silenced him. It was long, heated kiss. He opened his usually closed eyes, tried to question me with those hazel eyes.

It's not my fault. You're the one who made me like this. You're the one who activated devil inside me; you shouldn't complain. He's me, you know. The other me who wants you just as much as I do. I let him take control because well, he's me myself. I would've kill him if he was anyone else. Beside, I like to see your eyes open like this. It's gorgeous with fear inside.

"Yanagi-san, you are mine."
"This is a dream.."
"Yes, it is."
"That's why you called me by family name.."
"Yes. I'm your past sin."

Oh, he let out his tears. His body tremble again.

"Forgive me."
"I won't."
"Don't come to my dream again."
"No. I will bug you forever."
"No. I love you."

Because I love you and you made me like this, you can't deny my presence. No, you shouldn't.

He cried and beg, but I will never answer him yes. We will stay like this until the very end and you will never part from me. Our bond won't break, because - do we need a reason? Yes? Well -

I love you and you love me.
That cruel fact will tie you even after you die.

Let me sing you lullaby called reality.

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