Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Title : Reason
Rating : K+.
Genre : General.
Pairing(s) : Kirihara x Yanagi, onesided Yanagi x Sanada.
Warning(s) : Boyxboy.
Disclaimer : I don’t own Prince of Tennis. All right reserved to Konomi Takeshi.
A/N : Again, still draft. I like this one though it’s a bit.. weird? I’ll finish it!


His kohai began. It's in the middle of summer, when the sun refused to reduce his light. Sweat covered most of their body.
The club activity just ended, and they are going home together.
Yanagi didn't look up. He responded with simple, "Hm?"
Kirihara grunted. He seems to be annoyed that his senpai isn't fully take attention to him, so he didn't continue his words.
Silence fell again.
Wind breezes, but it's not enough to beat the strong sunlight above. Sweat still drops.
Kirihara doesn't like silence. He doesn't like this situation, but he couldn't help it.
Finally Yanagi took a glance to his kouhai. He raised an eyebrow.
"What is it, Akaya?"
Kirihara smiled a bit, satisfied that he has his senpai's full attention. He closed his eyes.
"Ne, senpai. Why everything has to be a reason?" Asks him while placing his hands at his head.
Yanagi gave him a look. Kirihara doesn't return it. He thought for a bit, then speaks up.
"Because without reason, there's no goal."
Sweat drops from Kirihara's forehead, but he doesn't mind it at all. He's looking at his steps; light and slow.
He doesn't get it.
"Yeah. Like, we're hungry, so we eat. We're lonely, so we chat. Reason is something behind our goal."
Birds chirped. They are on their way home. Sky falls into sunny red; it becomes darker.
But he still doesn't get it.
"If that's the case," Kirihara looks up with serious face. "Then what is the reason I love you?"
Yanagi stared at him. His eyes still closed, but Kirihara could feel his gaze behind them; staring straight to his emerald eyes.
"Why should I know? It's yours to know."
"But I don't get it." He pouted. "I have no reason. And goal."
"I don't know about the reason." Yanagi crossed his arm. "But the goal, isn't it to make me return the feeling?"
Kirihara tilted his head.
"Do you?"
Yanagi shook his head, smiling sadly.
"Then I'm not sure." He said with a sigh. "Because even if you're not going to return it, I'll still love you anyway."
The older man chuckled. His kouhai can be cruelly honest sometimes. Kirihara's look on him again.
"Ne, senpai."
"Why don't you return it?"
Yanagi doesn't answer for a long time, so he continues to speak.
"I mean, I know that you like - love - fukubuchou, but you see, he's with buchou. You have zero chance."
He still doesn't answer. 
Wind blows a bit stronger this time, made his straight hair mess up a bit. He fixed it with his palm as he opens up his mouth.
"My answer is the same as yours." He looks up to the sky. "No reason, faint goal."
"Senpai." Kirihara took his arm. He held it tight. "Just give up already."
"You're worse than me. You don't even have a goal."
"Indeed." Their eyes met. "But you know, I'm bad at forgetting things completely."
"Then don't forget. Leave it be."
"Persistent, aren't we?" Yanagi smiled. "You love me that much?"
"Not because I want you to be mine, though." He kissed Yanagi's arm. "It's a release so you won't hurt yourself."
"You don't want me to return the feeling?"
"You say you won't, so I'm not complaining."
"You're interesting." Yanagi chuckled again, placing his finger in his lips. "Giving up the feelings, but continue to stay."
Kirihara grinned.
"Like you, I'm quite bad at giving up myself. Even more if it's related to you."
It's just a few more blocks from Kirihara's house. In a minutes, they will take separate way. Kirihara release himself from Yanagi's arm.
"Time sure is fast. It's already here.." Yanagi agreed with that. Kirihara gave him a peace sign, then smiled widely.
"It's nice to talk with you, senpai." Kirihara let out satisfied sigh. "Tell me when you give up."
"You're welcome." Yanagi said while threw his tongue at him. "Happy waiting."
"You're mean!" He laughs, then waved at him, going to their parting way.
Yanagi sighed. He silently agreed with Kirihara. He should give up now; at least, kill that sinful feeling to his friend.
But his heart refuses to give in. He put up a small smile, then whispered to nothingness.
"Make me, Akaya."

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Title : Fallen
Rating : M/R18.
Genre : General.
Pairing(s) : Kirihara x Yanagi.
Warning(s) : Yaoi, SoloM.
Disclaimer : I don’t own Prince of Tennis. All right reserved to Konomi Takeshi.
A/N : Written in Indonesian. Masih draft. Kalo udah kuedit, mungkin bakal kupost di ffn. Postingan fic pertama gua di Bahasa Indonesia kok mesum gini..
Well, to the story!


'Akaya, kau adalah kebanggaan kami. Kami titipkan klub tenis rikkai padamu.'
Akaya menatap langit-langit kamarnya. Suara itu, sosok itu, masih saja menggema di kepalanya sampai sekarang.
Orang itu.
Awalnya ia tidak terlalu peduli dengannya. Sifat mereka sangat bertolak belakang, begitu pula style tenisnya. Mereka juga tidak begitu dekat.
Tapi perlahan, Akaya menyadari bahwa keberadaan orang itu sangat penting; bagi tim maupun baginya. Ia selalu menyokong tim dari belakang; membuat menu latihan, memberikan saran, terkadang mengurusi anggota yang terluka. Padahal ia sendiri harus mengurus dirinya sendiri; namun ia hanya diam sambil melakukannya tanpa mengeluh.
Orang itu bahkan menjadi mentor khusus untuknya, mengajarinya untuk mengontrol kemampuannya yang agak berbahaya. Orang itu memang tidak melakukannya dengan senyum, tapi juga tidak terpaksa karena ia sangat menyukai timnya.
Tanpa senyum pun, ia sudah..
Akaya membalikkan badan sambil menutup mukanya dengan bantal.
"Huh, menggelikan."
Suaranya kembali bergema. Akaya bergumam jengkel.
Orang itu tidak cantik. 
Ia bahkan bukan perempuan.
Ia juga tidak bisa dikatakan tampan. Rambutnya lurus - berbeda dengannya yang keriting berantakan - dengan poni yang dipotong terlalu pendek. Benar-benar hanya pemuda biasa dengan mata yang selalu terpejam.
Bulu matanya panjang dengan garis yang tegas. Jika dibuka, terlihat sepasang bola mata yang tajam, seakan dapat melihat segalanya.
Lalu, bibirnya yang agak tebal-
Akaya menyipitkan matanya.
Untuk apa dia memikirkan orang itu..?
"Benar-benar menjengkelkan!"
Ia teringat saat orang itu mengobati lukanya. Jemarinya yang panjang menyentuh kulitnya. Orang itu tidak menceramahinya panjang lebar seperti fukubuchou atau jackal-senpai; ia hanya mengingatkannya sedikit, dengan suara yang lembut dan menenangkan.
Akaya tak mengerti kenapa suhu tubuhnya meningkat saat suara orang itu terngiang di kepalanya. Debar jantungnya juga menolak untuk bergerak normal.
Bagian bawah tubuhnya juga, entah kenapa bereaksi.
Ia menggigit bibirnya.
"Jangan bercanda.. Mana mungkin aku-"
Seketika, terbayang wajah orang itu; dengan tangan sedang memegang pipinya, bibir yang tak jauh dari wajahnya, butiran air membasahi rambutnya. Kulitnya yang juga terkena air terlihat berkilau.
Tanpa sadar Akaya meletakkan telapak tangannya di bagian bawah tubuhnya. Dibukanya resleting celananya dengan tak sabar. Ia sisipkan tangannya dan mulai mengusapnya.
Ia berusaha mengingat semua tentang orang itu selain suaranya; ah, wangi tubuhnya. Orang itu selalu membawa sachet wewangian untuk membuatnya rileks. Ia pernah melihat sekali karena penasaran; rasa cinnamon. Wanginya hanya samar-samar, namun ia akui, wangi itu membuatnya rileks.
Mengingat wangi tubuh orang itu yang bercampur aroma cinnamon hanya membuatnya semakin bergairah.
Ia usap miliknya sedikit lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Napasnya makin memanas. Ia melupakan kenyataan bahwa ia sedang menyentuh dirinya sendiri sambil membayangkan kakak kelasnya di klub yang merupakan seorang laki-laki.
Ia sudah tak mau memikirkan apa-apa lagi.
Sosok orang itu kembali muncul di kepalanya. Wajah orang itu dekat sekali dengannya; kurang sesenti lagi mereka akan saling bersentuhan. Orang itu tersenyum kecil, bibirnya mendekati telinga Akaya.
'Akaya, kau adalah kebanggaan kami - tidak, kebanggaanku.'
Akaya menggerakkan tangannya lebih cepat lagi. Mukanya kian memerah. Ia membasahi bibirnya dengan lidahnya sambil berbisik pelan.
Iapun mencapai orgasme. Cairan miliknya membasahi telapak tangannya. Dilihatnya cairan itu, seketika ia teringat akan apa yang baru saja ia lakukan. Mukanya kembali memerah; ia merasa begitu bodoh dan malu. Diraihnya tisu di atas meja, mengelap tangannya, lalu membuangnya. Ia kembali menghempaskan tubuhnya ke atas kasur sambil berteriak frustasi.
"Sialan.. Sampai kapan kau mau menghantuiku?"
Ini bukan pertama kalinya orang itu muncul dalam pikiran Akaya. Awalnya ia merasa, mungkin, orang itu punya dendam padanya atau membencinya sampai-sampai dalam mimpi pun ia kerap muncul.
Namun perlahan ia mengerti. Kenapa orang itu selalu menghantui pikirannya. Kenapa hanya dengan mendengar suaranya saja, detak jantungnya bergerak sedikit lebih cepat. Kenapa semakin hari, frekuensinya menatap orang itu semakin sering. Namun Akaya selalu menyangkalnya.
Ia tahu bahwa ia terlihat seperti anak kecil yang tak mau melihat kenyataan,
Bahwa ia telah jatuh cinta dengan orang itu.


Tittle : Unfair
Rating : PG13.
Genre : Romance.
Pairing(s) : Yanagi x Kirihara.
Warning(s) : BoyxBoy. Cheesy.
A/N : Still draft. Will edit it later.


"Yanagi-san, you have a lot of attractive friends." Akaya said while pouted. Yanagi raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe. So?"

"Don't cheat on me."

The older man smiled. Really, his lover can be silly sometimes. He whispered in Akaya's ear.

"Why should I do that when I've got you?"

"Liar! You absolutely did it with Oshitari-san last week!" He groaned and push Yanagi off, sulking.


"Don't 'hmm' me! You didn't do it just once, dammit! You also together with Kite-san 10 days ago! Why you do this to me.." He let out frustated sigh. Yanagi holds him.

"But you are the one I love, Akaya."

"..Whatever." He still sulking, but accept it when Yanagi gave him soft kiss in the lips. "You're so damn unfair, you know?"

"Yes," Yanagi chuckled. "And you love me."

He can not disagree.


Life has been so cool, until that time.

Yanagi ate lunch with Sadaharu in the cafeteria. They argued about something like global warming or so. Then it happened. They saw Akaya with someone else, talking happily.

Somehow, Yanagi's breath feel heavier.

"Isn't that Shiraishi, student in our year? Why is he with your boyfriend?" Sadaharu asked while munching his caesar salad. Yanagi stared at them, then shakes his head.

"Who knows."

"They're close, aren't they." Sadaharu said, trying to tease him. Yanagi put a small smile.

"Indeed. It's not everyday to see Akaya really close to someone." He said calmly. Sadaharu muttered something like 'no fun', but Yanagi ignored him.

Somehow, it hurts.


And it's about 1 week later that Yanagi made a sudden decision.

"Let's break up."

They are in the middle of eating dinner in the dining room. Akaya, who seconds ago just slurping his Ramen broth, spill it up. His eyes widened.


"I know it, I've been so unfair to you. You must be tired of this personality of mine." Yanagi said calmly as he bit the potato in nikujaga. Akaya glared at him.

"You're seriously cheated on me?"

"You should know better."

Akaya slammed his hand on the table. He looks really mad.


"I'll be move out in 3 days." Yanagi cut him off. "So you will have your own room then, without me disturb you."

With that, he finishes his dinner. He clean it up and disappear to his own room, leaving Akaya alone in anger and confusion.

The last thing he heard was a loud crash of plate cracking, and a swear, "Fucking shit!".


They are not talking to each other, and it was the day. Yanagi isn't home since yesterday. Akaya checked his room once, and he saw all his belongings are already packed and it frustrates him more.

"Is it really over now..?" Akaya whispered. He doesn't get it. He never say yes when Yanagi said it to him. He's mad in the fact that Yanagi cheated on him, but not at the level wanting break up. Yanagi already tested his loyalty so many times before so he was immune to that kind of scene.

He knew that his boyfriend is one hell of troublesome person; never let anyone to tell what's on his mind, likes to pull mindfuck games, sometimes selfish.. But he loves him. They are already through hard times, they passed it together, and this is the result? So ironic that he wants to laugh and then cry.

Suddenly, the bell rang. He jerked up. 'Is it him..?' He thought as making a way through the door. He opened it.

It was Inui Sadaharu, Yanagi's best friend.

"Yo, Kirihara." He greets casually. "I come to take Renji's belongings."

Akaya twitched. What the hell?

He wanted to snap and scream at Inui but before it happens, Inui speaks first.

"He's moving to my condo."

It explains everything, but still. Why didn't he come here? Where the fuck is he?

Is he really want to forget me that much..
He pained himself as he thought that. It hurts.

"So finally you two break up." Inui began. Akaya tells him to shut up and go away fast. The glasses man smirked mockingly.

"It's silly though." He paused to put the package in the floor, and then continues. "The reason of it."

"I think I already told you to shut up, Inui-san."

"Don't want to and you can't make me, Kirihara. You already know the cause of it?"

"..He's cheating on me."



"It's that all?"

"Shut up."

"You two are really an idiot, then." Inui raised his glasses. He stared at Akaya for so long. The younger man growled.

"To end a relationship because self-aware of jealousy, is really lame. Not to mention that both party are still love each other."

Akaya blinked. He didn't expect that, so all he could say was, "Huh?"

"Renji saw you with Shiraishi 10 days ago. Even though he didn't show it, I know that he's jealous."

Now Akaya is more confused. Yanagi jealous at Shiraishi, so he wants to break up with him? Why don't he say it himself?

"Why don't you ask him? Right now, he's in my room." Akaya grumbled at Inui's mind-reading, but he likes the idea. Inui threw his key. Akaya catch it and stared at him.


"Because you two are such an idiot. And my friend. Let's just say that I want to see my two idiot friend happy with each other and quickly erase their idiocy and.. Whatever, just go."

He nodded and thanked him softly. With that, Akaya left.


He didn't stop even for a second. Without hesitation, he unlocked the door as soon as he reach the room. He heard Yanagi said, "Aren't you a bit too fast?" from the living room so he goes there. He found him sat in the kotatsu while watching TV. When Yanagi turned around, his eyes widened, as if it was impossible for him to be there right now.


He didn't answer, just muttering something like 'stupid sadaharu' and 'I'll make you drink my juice later'. Akaya came closer to him. Yanagi refused to look him in the eye.


He still didn't answer, so Akaya put his hand on Yanagi's cheek.

"I don't care if you don't want to look at me, but you must answer all of my question." Yanagi didn't respond, but what the hell. As long as he will answer.

"Is it true that you were jealous at Shiraishi-san?" Yanagi fronze. He still looked calm as ever, but his eyes opened slightly. He bit his lip.

"Is that true?" He asked once more. Yanagi said 'yes' in a very low voice. Akaya's look softened.

"So that's why you want to break up with me?"

Silence. Akaya is going to ask once more but when he looked at Yanagi's face, he dismissed the idea. Instead, he put their palms together.

"Tell me." He mutters as placing his head on Yanagi's shoulder. "Tell me everything. I want to hear the reason."

Silence took them for several minutes before Yanagi began to speak.

"It was.. Unfair. I was unfair." He hold their hands tightly. "I always make fun of your feeling; the one that I call test for loyalty. You have to go through it so many times. Now.." He trailed off. His voice cracked slightly. "When I feel it myself, I realized how unfair I was."

Akaya listens to him carefully, slowly nodded when he stopped. Yanagi continues.

"When I saw you with Shiraishi, it hurts. My mind keep screaming, what are you doing, looked so happy with other man, you should make that face only when you're with me, and so on. In the end, it still hurts."
Akaya lift his head, looking closer to Yanagi face. Single tear drips from his eyelid.

"So I think, what've I done all this time, making you feel like this. What a horrible person I am." he whispered quietly, "I don't deserve you."

Akaya pull him to his embrace, caress his hair softly.

"Serves you right, dammit." The younger man wiped his tears, then kiss him. "You gotta pay high price for it. You have to let me top you!"

Yanagi blinked.

"I don't want to break up for such silly reason." He tightened his embrace. "I still love you anyway."

He's shaking a bit. Akaya orders him to look at him. He obeys. There are so much emotion in his eyes so there's no way he has another feeling for me except love, Akaya thinks. And then they kissed. After some time, they pull away.

"Don't cheat on me anymore." Akaya whispered. He snickers.

"You know, in fact, I never cheated on you. I was just teasing you."


"It started when you saw me bare-naked with Oshitari. In fact, we're just finished our training. The clothes soaked with sweat, so we washed it. You just happen to come in the worst timing ever." He grins. "I thought it was cute, and I want to see more of your jealousy, so I made up some scene, sometimes with their help. Now it backfired."

Akaya pinched his cheek. He muttered some nonsense. Yanagi apologized with smile.

"You will let me top you for sure."

"Well, why not? It's always nice to try something new." Yanagi holds him tight.

"But before that, we should thank Sadaharu. I don't know where he is now and what he is plotting, but we are sure leaving this place."

Akaya laughed. Yanagi laughs, too.

Minutes later, they left, headed to their apartment - their home.

In the way home, Yanagi whispered 'I love you' in a very low and quiet voice so Akaya won't hear him. Akaya heard him anyway. He's just nodded and tighten their hold.

Waga Sekai e Youkoso!

The name is Anna. 21 years old. Lived in Indonesia.
Pleased to meet you.

I created this blog from a long time ago, in 2009 if I'm not mistaken. And I never used it until now because.. I forgot that I have one. Tee hee.

So from now on I'll use this blog for posting my stories or just rambling some nonsense.
The stories are a fanfiction or OC stories.

I have a lot of fandom. Here's the list for now.
Prince of Tennis
Sengoku Basara
Musou Warriors
Ookiku Furikabutte
Axis Powers Hetalia

Now I focused in Prince of Tennis, so I'll post many fics of them.
And all of them are BL/yaoi, mostly Kirihara x Yanagi with some Yanagi-centric.
There are some adult contents too, so beware.

I'll write in English, Indonesian, and maybe Japanese. Depends on my mood.
May be OOC and cliche. I'll do my best to write awesome stories!

Well then, that's all for now.